For Business

Just Book offers a comprehensive solution for restaurants and coffee shops to streamline their reservation processes and enhance customer satisfaction. Our goal is to empower dining establishments with a user-friendly and efficient tool that not only manages reservations but also helps in attracting and retaining customers. By partnering with Just Book, businesses can maximize their occupancy, reduce no-shows, and provide an exceptional dining experience that keeps patrons coming back. Join us in transforming the dining industry with cutting-edge technology and unparalleled service.


Online Reservations

Online reservation streamline booking processes, offering convenience for users and businesses alike. Users can easily browse options, select preferences, and make reservations hassle-free.

Custom Profiles and Listings

With customizable profiles and listings, your restaurant / café can showcase its location, menus, ambiance, and special offerings. This boosts visibility and assists users in discovering and booking dining experiences tailored to their preferences.

Table Management

Automated table booking systems help your restaurant/café optimize table allocation, increase reservations, enhance customer experience, reduce wait times, and provide valuable data insights into customer behavior and preferences.

Floor Plan

Configure your restaurant/café to include a variety of dining areas tailored to different preferences, such as indoor dining rooms, outdoor Areas, cozy family sections, and exclusive private dining spaces.

In-House Waitlists

In-house waitlists allow restaurant/café to manage reservations efficiently, especially during peak hours. When all tables or slots are booked, customers can be added to a waitlist and notified when a spot becomes available.

Online Queue Joining

Online queue joining allows customers to join a virtual waiting line remotely. a modern approach to managing customer flow, particularly in businesses with high demand and limited capacity.

Availability Controls

Availability controls, allowing restaurants/cafés to manage their reservation availability based on factors like seating capacity, peak hours, and special events.

All-Day Reservation’s View

Just Book can display an all-day Reservation view in calendar, timeline, or list formats. Each view helps visualize reservation slots and manage bookings.

Daily Statistics Overview

Just book tracks key reservation metrics: seated guests, cancellations, and completed bookings (which can include both). These insights help restaurants understand reservation trends and optimize their operations.

Remind Guests

Automatically notifying guests about reservations decreases no-shows, improves customer experience, and optimizes resource allocation. These reminders not only streamline operations and demonstrate attentiveness but also present opportunities for upselling.


24/7 Bookings

24/7 booking availability allows customers to make reservations at any time, providing convenience and flexibility. This ensures that businesses capture bookings around the clock, maximizing potential revenue and customer satisfaction.

Visibility Boost

Just Book aids restaurants and cafes in promoting their business across various channels, such as the app's "Featured" section, website, and social media. Leveraging these platforms helps attract and retain customers, boosting revenue and enhancing online presence.

Built-In Marketing Tools

Built-in marketing tools such as push notifications SMS and email campaigns, enabling your restaurant/café to reach out to customers with promotions, special offers, and reservation reminders. These tools help your businesses engage with their audience effectively and drive customer loyalty and repeat visits.

Reporting and Insights

Reporting and insights offer businesses vital data on performance, trends, and customer behavior, enabling informed decisions to identify areas for improvement and operational optimization.

Marketing ROI

Utilize tracking and insight functionalities to determine the return on investment derived from your app and Marketing campaigns.

Guest Relationships

Guest Database

A guest database stores customer information, like preferences and contact details, helping businesses personalize interactions and improve customer experience.

Automated Guest Profiles

Our reservation system automatically creates profiles for your guests based on their reservation history and preferences these profiles categories your guests into different tiers with a Tag like bronze. silver, Gold to VIP to help you personalize their dining experience.

VIP Customer Re-Engagement Service

Our VIP Customer Re-Engagement Service is an automated feature aimed at retaining your most valuable customers. It tracks the last visit of VIP users and sends them a friendly reminder message after 30 days of inactivity. This service ensures that your top patrons feel valued and encouraged to return, boosting customer loyalty and increasing repeat business.

User Reviews & Ratings

Just Book empowers both diners and restaurants/cafés. Diners can make informed decisions with the help of honest reviews and ratings on dining experiences. These reviews also provide valuable insights for restaurants, allowing them to continuously improve their menus, service, and overall customer experience, fostering a cycle of transparency and trust.

Birthday Messages

Restaurants will be alerted to customers' birthdays in advance, allowing for personalized greetings or special discounts, fostering loyalty, enhancing the dining experience, and promoting the brand.

Our Pricings

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No plan found yet